Monday, July 20, 2009

#10: The Burrow Explodes

Number 10 on our list may seem like an insignificant detail that's added to the movie to spice things up a bit, throw in a little extra steam (pun intended), but in reality the addition of this scene is actually indicative of a much greater sin committed by the makers of this (these) movie(s). The addition of scenes not included anywhere in the book detracts significantly from the inclusion of details clearly and pointedly laid out in the book. JKR does not strike me as someone who includes details frivolously, particularly at this point in the series; yet David Yates and Steve Kloves and whomever else are responsible for the production of these films seem ignorant of that fact, choosing what would market best rather than what would make the best film. For those of us who love these books and view them as written by someone one generation removed from the likes of Tolkien and C.S. Lewis (in terms of storytelling ability), to watch them be mangled and turned into teen romance flicks with special effects is a disappointing sight indeed.

The Burrow was never set on fire by Bellatrix LeStrange. And if it had been, do you think that 7 or 8 wizards would have stood by shivering like they'd just seen a bad car accident with their arms around one another or do you think they'd all be casting 'Aguamenti' or some other combination of spells to put the fire out and save their belongings, not to mention their tenuously constructed home? Additionally, this scene sets up one of the bigger mistakes the movie makes, which will come later in this list, but keep in mind that the second he hears her, Harry takes off against all counsel and good sense, seeking to kill Bellatrix.


  1. #10?? are these in order from least to greatest? if that is the case, my friend, i would have to rank this as #2... where are they going to have the wedding of fleur and bill???

  2. Just you wait and see and then let me know if you still don't agree.
