Monday, August 3, 2009

#9: Batmobile

Since I was a kid I've always loved the Batmobile. It really is one of the greatest cars ever. It showcases the time, money, ingenuity, and just sheer brilliance that is the Bruce Wayne/Batman tandem. I remember seeing one a few years back in a used car magazine for 200 grand and thinking to myself, I will own that someday. Alas, today is not that day, so I'll have to be content with merely blogging about the batmobile (insert discontented sigh). The Batmobile is extremely strong, it's extremely fast, and over the years it's amassed more cool gadgets than any prop car EVER.

The question becomes then, which one? For me, the original, the 1966 version up top doesn't do it for me. Then again, neither did Adam West (all due respect). I just don't like the orange. But it has to be given its due diligence as any original masterpiece does.

But Evolution has it's benefits, particularly in the Batmobile industry. The 1989 Batmobile was a work of art. This car still deserved to be recognized as one of the most badass Batmobiles. The original flame propellant on the back of this thing was the coolest thing I'd seen related to a car at that time.

Then we have to discuss the flashier adaptations of the Batmobile. Batman Forever's Batmobile is a true testament to the steroid age. Not just of baseball, but American Society. Nothing could could be simple and clean and pure anymore like the old Batmobiles, production companies, working wages, etc., everything had to be jacked up on something else, to get an edge. Well this is one Batmobile that certainly has an asterisk next to it in my mind.

Because I feel obligated, I have to to address the new Batmobiles from Begins and Dark Knight. Is the idea of them really cool? Yea, I think it's sweet that Batman drives a tank around that can do all kinds of cool stuff and I think that the idea for how the vehicle came to be (bridge builder) was really cool. But I just like my Batmobiles sleek, edgy, like the best sports car ever made + guns and explosives and things of that nature.

Finally, my own personal favorite Batmobile is the Batman Returns Batmobile. Sleek, similarly designed as the original, but it could get rid of its sides and go through alleways, not to mention climb walls. Perhaps the undercarriage is a bit structurally flawed, nontheless this is my favorite Batmobile. It's almost worth noting that if I was being specific, I could just say that I want the Penguin's miniaturized control booth and satellite device. But I'm not, so most importantly, I had a toy of this car that was totally awesome.

1 comment:

  1. With #10 at least you could get away with using that item everyday, but here it seems almost pointless to own this prop. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to drive this thing around the block, but what good would it really do you? The explosives and guns you talk about are cool on the big screen, but you are not going to drive around Philadelphia shooting up random civilians. Well, maybe you would.. But if you did choose to do that this car would be an easy target for any police officer, and Philadelphia traffic is not the best place to be stuck with this monstrous vehicle. I just feel like I would rather have the newer version of the bat mobile (BB&TDK), because at least then you could whip around on that beast of a motorcycle we see Christian Bale drive. Well like I said, I'd take this prop in a heartbeat, I just don't see it being that useful in everyday life.
